This is not a full up to date list of our publications. For further details please see our the ResearchGate, Google Scholar or Scopus profiles.
Harnessing green tide Ulva biomass for carbon dioxide sequestration. Park, Jihae; Lee, Hojun; De saeger, Jonas et al.
In: Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 02.09.2024. -
Borges BMMN, Strauss M, Camelo PA, Sohi SP & Franco HCJ. 2020. Re-use of sugarcane residue as a novel biochar fertiliser - Increased phosphorus use efficiency and plant yield. Journal of Cleaner Production
Jorat E, Goddard MA, Manning P, Lau HK, Ngeow S, Sohi SP and Manning DAC. 2020. Passive CO2 removal in urban soils: Evidence from brownfield sites. Science of the Total Environment 703: 135573.
Chang R, Sohi SP, Jing F, Liu Y and Chen J. 2019. A comparative study on biochar properties and Cd adsorption behavior under effects of ageing processes of leaching, acidification and oxidation. Environmental Pollution 254B: 113123.
Sykes AJ, Macleod M, Eory V, Rees RM, Payen F, Myrgiotis V, William M, Sohi SP, Hillier J, Moran D, Manning DAC, Goglio P, Seghetta M, Williams A, Harris J, Dondini M, Walton J, House J and Smith P. 2020. Characterising the biophysical, economic and social impacts of soil carbon sequestration as a greenhouse gas removal technology. Global Change Biology 26: 1085-1108.
Sohi SP. 2019. Book Review: 'Biochar from Biomass and Waste: Fundamentals and Applications, Edited by Y.S. Ok, D. Tsang, N. Bolan & Novak, J. eds.' European Journal of Soil Science
Ma S, Jing F, Sohi SP and Chen J. 2019. New insights into contrasting mechanisms for PAE adsorption on millimeter, micro- and nanoscale biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 18636–18650.
Melia PM, Busquets R, Hooda P, Cundy AB and Sohi SP. 2019. Driving forces and barriers in the removal of phosphorus from water using crop residue, wood and sewage sludge derived biochars. Science of the Total Environment 675: 623–631.
Liu Y, Sohi SP, Jing F and Chen J. 2019. Oxidative ageing induces change in the functionality of biochar and hydrochar: Mechanistic insights from sorption of atrazine. Environmental Pollution
Liu Y, Sohi SP, Liu S, Guan J, Zhou J and Chen J. 2019. Adsorption and reductive degradation of Cr(VI) and TCE by a simply synthesized zero valent iron magnetic biochar. Journal of Environmental Management 235: 276-281
Kolosz BW, Sohi SP and Manning DAC. 2019. CASPER: A modelling framework to link mineral carbonation with the turnover of organic matter in soil. Computers and Geoscience 124:58-71
Buss W, Assavavittayanon K, Shepherd J, Heal K and Sohi SP. 2018. Biochar phosphorus release is limited by high pH and excess calcium. 2018. Journal of Environmental Quality 47:1298-1303
Masek O, Buss W and Sohi SP. Standard biochar materials. 2018. Environmental Science and Technology 52:9543-9544
Jing F, Sohi SP, Liu Y and Chen J. 2018. Insight into mechanism of aged biochar for adsorption of PAEs: Reciprocal effects of ageing and coexisting Cd2+. Environmental Pollution 242:1098-1107
Masek O, Buss W, Roy-Poirier A, Lowe W, Peters C, Brownsort P, Mignard D, Pritchard C and Sohi SP. 2018. Consistency of biochar properties over time and production scales: A characterisation of standard materials. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 132:200-210
Cabeza I, Waterhouse T, Sohi SP and Rooke JA. 2018. Effect of biochar produced from different biomass sources and at different process temperatures on methane production and ammonia concentrations in vitro. Animal Feed Science and Technology 237: 1–7
Melia PM, Cundy AB, Sohi SP, Hooda PS and Busquets R. 2017. Trends in the recovery of phosphorus in bioavailable forms from wastewater. Chemosphere 186:381–395
Latawiec AE, Peake L, Baxter H, Cornelissen G, Grotkiewicz K, Hale S, Królczyk JB, Kubon M, Łopatka A, Medynska-Juraszek A, Reid BJ, Siebielec G, Sohi SP, Spiak Z and Strassburg BBN. 2017. A reconnaissance-scale GIS-based multicriteria decision analysis to support sustainable biochar use: Poland as a case study. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 25: 208-222.
Kern J, Tammeorg P, Shanskiy M, Sakrabani R, Knicker H, Kammann C, Tuhkanen E-M, Smidt G, Prasad M, Tiilikkala K , Sohi SP, Gascó G, Steiner C, Glaser B. 2017. Synergistic use of peat and charred material in growing media – an option to reduce the pressure on peatlands? Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 25: 160-174.
Shepherd JG, Joseph S, Sohi SP and Heal KV. 2017. Biochar and enhanced phosphate capture: Mapping mechanisms to functional properties. Chemosphere 179:57–74
Shepherd JG, Buss W, Sohi SP and Heal KV. 2017. Bioavailability of phosphorus, other nutrients and potentially toxic elements from marginal biomass-derived biochar assessed in barley (Hordeum vulgare) growth experiments. Science of the Total Environment 584/5:448–457
Buss W, Graham MC, MacKinnon G and Masek O. 2016. Strategies for producing biochars with minimum PAH contamination. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 119: 24–30.
Buss W and Masek O. 2014. Mobile organic compounds in biochar – a potential source of contamination – phytotoxic effects on cress seed (Lepidium sativum) germination. Journal of Environmental Management 137: 111–119.
Buss W, Mašek O, Graham M and Wust D. 2015. Inherent organic compounds in biochar –their content, composition and potential toxic effects. Journal of Environmental Management 156: 150–157.
Buss W and Masek O. 2016. High-VOC biochar – Effectiveness of post-treatment measures and potential health risks related to handling and storage. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23: 19580–19589.
Buss W, Graham MC, Shepherd GJ and Masek O. 2016. Suitability of marginal biomass-derived biochars for soil amendment. Science of the Total Environment. 547:314–322.
Buss W, Graham MC, Shepherd JG and Masek O. 2016. Risks and benefits of marginal biomass-derived biochars for plant growth. Science of the Total Environment. 569/70: 496–506.
Sohi SP and Kuppens T. 2016. Systems integration for biochar in European forestry: drivers and strategies. In: VJ Bruckman, EA Varol, BB Uzun, J Liu (Eds) Biochar: A regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge University Press, pp 70-95
Shepherd JG, Sohi SP and Heal KV. 2016. Optimising the recovery and re-use of phosphorus from wastewater effluent for sustainable fertiliser development. Water Research 94:155–165
Bachmann HJ, Bucheli TD, Dieguez-Alonso A, Fabbri D, Knicker HE, Schmidt H-P, Ulbricht A, Becker R, Buscaroli A, Buerge D, Cross A, Dickinson D [...] Masek O, Mumme J, Carmona M, Calvelo R, Rees F, Rombolà AG, de la Rosa JM, Sakrabani R, Sohi SP, Soja G, Valagussa M, Verheijen FGA, Franz F. 2016. Toward the standardization of biochar analysis: The COST Action TD1107 interlaboratory comparison. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64: 513–527
Novel Strategies for Carbon Storage in Soil, 2016/7 Course Book for PGGE11212/14, University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, Edinburgh
Han Y, Cao X, Ouyang X, Sohi SP, Chen J. 2015. Adsorption kinetics of magnetic biochar derived from peanut hull on removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution: Effects of production conditions and particle size. Chemosphere 145: 336–341
McClean GJ, Meredith W, Cross A, Heal KV, Bending GD, Sohi SP. 2015. The priming potential of environmentally weathered pyrogenic carbon during land-use transition. GCB Bioenergy doi:10.1111/gcbb.12293
Andert J, Mumme J. 2015. Impact of pyrolysis and hydrothermal biochar on gas-emitting activity of soil microorganisms and bacterial and archaeal community composition. Applied Soil Ecology 96:225-239
Erdogan E, Atila B, Mumme J, Reza MT, Toptas A, Elibol M, Yanik J. 2015. Characterization of products from hydrothermal carbonization of orange pomace including anaerobic digestibility of process liquor. Bioresource Technology 196:35-42
Dicke C, Lühr C, Ellerbrock R, Mumme J, Kern J. 2015. Effect of hydrothermally carbonized hemp dust on the soil emissions of CO2 and N2O. BioResources 10:3210-3223
Reza MT, Rottler E, Tölle R, Werner M, Ramm P, Mumme J. 2015. Production, characterization, and biogas application of magnetic hydrochar from cellulose. Bioresource Technology 186:34-43
Reza MT, Mumme J, Ebert A. 2015. Characterization of hydrochar from hydrothermal carbonization of wheat straw digestate. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery doi:10.1007/s13399-015-0163-9
Hübner T, Mumme J. 2015. Integration of pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion - use of aqueous liquor from digestate pyrolysis for biogas production. Bioresource Technology 183:86-92
Sohi SP, McDonagh J, Novak J, Wu W and Miu L. Biochar systems and system fit. 2015. In: J Lehmann, S Joseph (Eds) Biochar for Environmental Management, 2nd Edition. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp 737-761
Crombie, K., Mašek, O., Cross, A., Sohi, S.P.. 2014. Biochar–synergies and trade‐offs between soil enhancing properties and C sequestration potential. GCB Bioenergy 7:1161–1175
Crombie, K., Mašek, O. 2014. Pyrolysis biochar systems, balance between bioenergy and carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Crombie, K., Mašek, O. 2014. Investigating the potential for a self-sustaining slow pyrolysis system under varying operating conditions. Bioresource technology 162: 148-156
Angst, T.E., Six, J., Reay, D.S., Sohi, S.P. (2014) Impact of pine chip biochar on trace greenhouse gas emissions and soil nutrient dynamics in an annual ryegrass system in California. Agroecosystems and the Environment 191:17-26
Verheijen, F.G.A., Graber, E.R., Ameloot, N., Bastos, A.C., Sohi, S.P., Knicker, H. (2014) Biochars in soils: new insights and emerging research needs. European Journal of Soil Science 65:22–27
Jeffery, S., Bezemer, T.M., Cornellisen, G., Kuyper, T.W. Lehmann, J., Mommer, L., Sohi, S.P., Van De Voorde, T.F.J., Wardle, D.A., Van Groenigen, J.W. (2013) The way forward in biochar research: targeting trade-offs between the potential wins. GCB Bioenergy 7:1161–1175
Prendergast-Miller, M., Duvall, M., Sohi, S.P. (2013) Biochar−root interactions are mediated by biochar nutrient content and biochar impacts on soil nutrient availability. European Journal of Soil Science 65:173-185
Ibarrola R., Evar B., Reay D. - Biochar commercialisation in Mexico. 24pp.
Angst, T.E. (2013) Evaluating the Impacts of Biochar on the Fate and Dynamics of Dairy Manure in Agricultural Soil. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, 237pp.
Carter, S., Shackley, S., Sohi, S.P., Suy, T.B. and Haefele (2013) The impact of biochar application on soil properties and plant growth of pot grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and cabbage (Brassica chinensis). Agronomy, 3:408-418
Sohi, S.P., Gaunt J.L., Atwood, J. (2013) Biochar in growing media: A sustainability and feasibility assessment. A project commissioned for the Sustainable Growing Media Task Force. Defra project SP1213. Defra, London, 84pp
Angst, T.E., Patterson, C.J., Reay, D.S., Anderson, P., Peshkur, T.A., Sohi, S.P. (2013) Biochar diminishes nitrous oxide and nitrate leaching from diverse nutrient sources. Journal of Environmental Quality 42:672-82
Downloadable PDF of UKBRC pyrolysis facilities
Mašek O, Budarin V, Gronnow M, Crombie K, Brownsort P, Hurst P (2012) Microwave and Slow Pyrolysis Biochar - Comparison of Physical and Functional Properties. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 100:41–48
Angst, T.E., Sohi, S.P. (2013) Establishing release dynamics for plant nutrients from biochar, GCB Bioenergy, 5:221-226
Cross, A., Sohi, S.P. (2013) A method for screening the relative long-term stability of biochar, GCB Bioenergy, 5:215-220
Sohi, S.P. (2013) Pyrolysis bioenergy with biochar production – greater carbon abatement and benefits to soil, GCB Bioenergy, 5:i-iii
Crombie, K., Mašek, O., Sohi, S.P.. Brownsort, P., Cross, A. (2013) The effect of pyrolysis conditions on biochar stability as determined by three methods, GCB Bioenergy, 5:122-131
Sohi, S.P. (2012) Carbon storage with benefits, Science, 338: 1034-1035
Gronnow MJ, Budarin VL, Mašek O, Crombie KN, Brownsort PA, Shuttleworth PS, Hurst PR (2012) Torrefaction/biochar production by microwave and conventional slow pyrolysis – comparison of energy properties. Global Change Biology Bioenergy
Carter, S. and Shackley, S. (2012) Biochar: Biomass energy, agriculture and carbon sequestration, Boiling Point 60:42-45.
Shackley, S., Carter, S., Knowles, T., Middelink, E., Haefele, S., Sohi, S., Cross, A., Haszeldine, S. (2012), Sustainable gasification-biochar systems? A case-study of rice-husk gasification in Cambodia, Part I: context, chemical properties, environmental and health and safety issues, Energy Policy, 42: 49-58.
Shackley, S., Carter, S., Knowles, T., Middelink, E., Haefele, S., Haszeldine, S. (2012), Sustainable gasification-biochar systems? A case-study of rice-husk gasification in Cambodia, Part II: Field trial results, carbon abatement, economic assessment and conclusions, Energy Policy, 41:618-623
Shackley, S., Sohi, S.P., Ibarrola, R.E., Hammond, J., Masek, O., Brownsort, P., Cross, A., Prendergast-Miller, M., Haszeldine, S. 2012, Biochar, Tool for Climate Change Mitigation and Soil Management. In: R Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 913-961
Ahmed, S., Hammond, J., Ibarrola, R.,Shackley, S. and Haszeldine, S.(2011) The potential role of biochar in combating climate change in Scotland:an analysis of feedstocks, life cycle assessment and spatial dimensions, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Ibarrola, R., et al. Pyrolysis biochar systems for recovering biodegradable materials: A life cycle carbon assessment.
Waste Management (2011), doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.10.005 -
Prendergast-Miller M.T., Duvall, M., Sohi, S.P. (2011) Localisation of nitrate in the rhizosphere of biochar-amended soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43: 2243-2246
Mašek, O., Brownsort, P., Cross, A., & Sohi, S. (2011). Influence of production conditions on the yield and environmental stability of biochar. Fuel. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2011.08.044
Cross, A., Sohi, S.P. (2011) The priming potential of biochar products in relation to labile carbon contents and soil
organic matter status, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43: 2127-2134 -
Shackley, S., Hammond, J., Gaunt, J. & Ibarrola, R. (2011), The feasibility and costs of biochar deployment in the UK, Carbon Management, 2(3): 335 - 356
Brownsort PA, Crombie K, Mašek O, Turrion-Gomez J 2011. Pyrolysis Biochar Syatems: Pilot Scale Pyrolysis Plant for 'Specified Biochar' Production. Paper presented at the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany.
Brownsort PA and Mašek O 2011. Small-scale Continuous Pyrolysis Apparatus: capabilities and initial results. Poster presented in Biochar 2011, 3rd UKBRC Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
Shackley S, Carter S, Sims K and Sohi S P 2011 Expert perceptions of the role of biochar as a carbon abatement option with ancillary agronomic and soil-related benefits, Energy & Environment 22(3): 167-187
Sarah Carter and Simon Shackley (2011), Biochar Stoves: An Innovation Studies Perspective (AIT & IDRC-CRDI).
Hammond J, Shackley S, Sohi S P and Brownsort PA 2011. Prospective life cycle carbon abatement for pyrolysis biochar systems in the UK. Energy Policy 39, 2646-2655.
Oliver, I., Cross, A., Searl, A., Shackley, S., Smith, C., Sohi, S. The State of Scotland's Soil: Emerging Issues, SEPA, 2011
Karve P, Shackley S, Carter S, Anderson P, Prabunhe R, Cross A, Haszeldine S, Haefele S, Knowles T, Field J, Tanger P (2011), Biochar for Carbon Reduction, Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Management (BIOCHARM). A Report for the APN (Asia Pacific Network for Climate Change Research).
Ahmed SJ, Hammond J, Rodrigo IE, Shackley SJ, Sohi SP and Haszeldine RS 2010. The potential of biochar deployment in Scotland: A preliminary assessment , UKBRC working paper 7.
Prendergast-Miller M and Sohi SP 2010. Investigating biochar impacts on plant roots and root carbon. Poster presented in the Organic Matter Stabilization and Ecosystem Functions session at Soil Organic Matter Conference, Cote d'Azur, France (Sept. 2010).
Hammond J, Shackley SJ, Sohi SP and Brownsort PA 2010. Life Cycle Analysis for Pyrolysis Biochar Systems in the UK. Poster presented in the 3rd Annual conference of International Biochar Initiative (IBI), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Hammond J 2010. Advancing the science and evaluating biochar systems, write up of the 2nd UKBRC Annual Conference, UKBRC Working Paper 6.
Brownsort PA and Mašek O 2010. Pyrolysis Biochar Systems: Comparison of Climate Change Mitigation Effects of Slow, Intermediate and Fast Pyrolysis Processes. Paper presented in the 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Lyon, France.
Prendergast-Miller, M. and Sohi, S.P. (2010) Charcoal effects on plant roots: implications for biochar. Poster presented at the 2nd UKBRC Conference, Rothamsted, UK.
Brownsort PA and Mašek O 2010. Laboratory Scale Pyrolysis Apparatus. Poster presented in the 2nd UKBRC Annual Conference, Rothamsted, UK.
Mašek O and Brownsort PA 2010. Research on Production of Bespoke Biochar. Poster presented in the 2nd UKBRC Conference, Rothamsted, UK.
Sohi SP, Lopez-Capel E, Bol R & Krull E. 2010. A review of biochar and its use and function in soil. Advances in Agronomy 105: 47-82
Shackley SJ and Sohi SP (eds) 2010. An assessment of the benefits and issues associated with the application of biochar to soil. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London, UK.
Brownsort PA 2009. Biomass Pyrolysis Processes: Review of Scope, Control and Variability. UKBRC Working Paper 5
Hammond, J. 2009. The Best use of Biomass? Greenhouse gas life cycle analysis of predicted pyrolysis biochar systems. MSc diss. Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Brownsort PA 2009. Biomass Pyrolysis Processes: Performance Parameters and their Influence on Biochar System Benefits. MSc diss. Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Lehmann J, Czimczik CI, Laird D & Sohi SP. 2009. Stability of biochar in soil ecosystems. In: CJ Lehmann and S Joseph (Eds), Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology, Earthscan, London pp183-205
Read P 2009. A Copenhagen initiative?: Curing Kyoto with a " leaky bucket". Workshop proceedings, UKBRC Working Paper 3
Iliffe R 2009. Is the biochar produced by an Anila stove likely to be a beneficial soil additive?. MSc Diss. UKBRC Working Paper 4
Sohi SP, Shackley SJ, Haszeldine RS, Manning D and Mašek O 2009. Biochar, reducing and removing CO2 while improving soils:A significant and sustainable response to climate change. Evidence submitted to the Royal Society Geo-engineering Climate Enquiry, UKBRC Working Paper 2
Sohi SP, Shackley SJ, Mandy M, Pratt K, Lopez-Capel E,Haszeldine RS, Gaunt J, Masek O, Manning D, Cook J and Carter S 2009. Biochar: An Emerging Technology for Climate Change Mitigation?, Workshop proceedings, UKBRC Working Paper 1
Liang B, Lehmann J, Sohi SP, Thies JE, O’Neill B, Trujillo L, Gaunt JL, Solomon D, Grossman J, Neves EG, & Luizão FJ. 2010. Black carbon affects the cycling of non-black carbon in soil. Organic Geochemistry 41: 206–213
Liang B, Lehmann J, Solomon D, Sohi SP, Thies JE, Skjemstad JO, Luizao FJ, Engelhard MH, Neves EG & Wirick S. 2008. Stability of biomass-derived black carbon in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72:6069–6078
Lehmann J, Skjemstad J, Sohi SP, Carter J, Barson M, Falloon P, Coleman K, Woodbury P & Krull E. 2008. Australian climate–carbon cycle feedback reduced by soil black carbon. Nature Geoscience 1:832-835
Lehmann J & Sohi SP. 2008. Comment on “fire-derived charcoal causes loss of forest humus”. Science 321:1295c